My beliefs on why everyone and everything is connected
This is the first in my series of “out there” blogs. I like to use media clips to explain complex concepts in a simple way, and I still have quite a few movies on the list to watch. However, I think I have enough secondary support of my beliefs in the energy and consciousness of everything that exists on Earth, so I’m going to start there.
Conscious animals
Let’s start with the easiest to believe first: animals. They’re the most like us: they breathe, they eat, they make noise/speak/sing, and they breed.
Some species like dogs, gorillas, monkeys, pigs, lions, tigers, elephants and dolphins can also communicate with us by following orders or sign language, and they feel similar emotions like happiness, sadness, desire, playfulness, and guilt.
I’m sure there are tons of impressive dog videos out there, but my fav by far is the one from awhile back, when a dog saved another dog on a busy highway.
So animals are like us, but perhaps you’re thinking they can never be as smart as we are. In the books I’ve read on the human brain, the structure of our brain allows us to do far more complex things than animals such as remember the past, think into the future, create languages, solve problems, and take action on the things we imagine such as writing, measuring, and generally creating stuff.
However, there are some instincts that animals have and that’s why I don’t think we should discard them as lesser energetic beings. The video below (not an official scientific source) talks about some of the animal phenomena that occurred prior to natural disasters.
My stint with horses
In 2016, I attended an event called Horse Wisdom held at a stable at a woman’s home in Maple Ridge. What I thought was going to be a lesson on how to ride a horse was something much, much deeper. We learned how to first share energy with horses — which are powerful, intuitive beings that could kill us with one kick if they wanted to — and then engage depending on how they wanted to interact with us. They’re very free, playful, and generous creatures.
Just after lunch before going outside again, we did an exercise in which we pulled a tarot card (from a horse deck, of course) and wrote a poem or statement based on what was on the card. At the time, I was going through a lot of fear about the future and learned about how horses don’t give a f*ck about the future because they’re so much in the present. Like street lights leading the way on a foggy night, horses only see what they need to and what’s in front of them, and have no need to worry about what’s far ahead.
I’m forever grateful to have photos of the card and a stone (licked by one of the horses) to commemorate that experience.
We can learn a lot from animals and could probably benefit from preserving and working with them like we do with horses, instead of hunting or consuming them. (I wrote a series on why vegans don’t consume dairy, honey, or crickets.) There are still marine animals located deep on the ocean floor that we haven’t even seen or been able to study, and our chances of doing so are minimizing the more we pollute the oceans.
I also believe in karma, which is a subject for another blog…but I believe that the better we treat animals in this life, the better we’ll get along with them in another, especially if we come back as one.
Conscious plants
I’ve always believed in the sacredness and preciousness of the natural world and the importance of preserving it — it’s one of the reasons I eat vegan.
I never thought of plants as being conscious until 2018 when I attended a satsang (spiritual gathering) and was told by the channeler Maitreya that I needed to be around and listen more to trees, which are connected because of their root system. Here’s that clip:
Tree Nation
What’s insane about my reading (which was only about 4 minutes long) is that the last bit where she says “you could write stories about the trees” came after a long pause. (The clip was edited down for length.) It was like she predicted I would be sharing this tree story with you!
I had already started to do hiking trails a few years ago, but this solidified the need for me to be around nature more. I even started to touch and hug trees on my walks around the hood, and I swear, I feel more supported by them. I’m still working on stepping on the Earth with my bare feet.
You can also Google “tree network” to see tons of credible sources on the underground tree network and how trees will send nutrients to other trees at risk. While they’re not speaking a human language, they’re definitely communicating on an energetic level we’ll likely never be able to measure.
If this still sounds a bit too Avatar for you, there was actually a group of botanists who termed and researched “plant neurobiology,” also known as plant perception or plant physiology: the ability of plants to sense and respond to their environment accordingly.
Maitreya also recommended we read the book Behaving As if the God in All Life Mattered by MacHaelle S. Wright. It’s a fascinating book that I highly recommend. In it, Wright talks about her personal journey and then goes into her experience of intuitively gardening at Perelandra, 45-acre private nature research center in Virginia. Without any practical gardening experience, she was able to harvest plants and vegetables successfully.
Of course, the first thing I did when I put the book down was Google the place to see if we could visit it. Perelandra does have a website, but the facility isn’t open to the public, and rightly so. There is, however, a ton of info people can dig through online.
Still, I wish Wright was a bit out there more. I mean, imagine what she could share if she had her own podcast!
The second book I read that hinted at the possibility of plant consciousness is Neurosculpting by a former client, Lisa Wimberger, who runs the Neurosculpting Institute in Denver, Colorado. Here’s the excerpt:
Introduction to University of Colorado-Boulder Experiments
Luiz [Estavao] explained to me that the plants were wired to a galvanic skin response machine, like a lie-detector device, which would measure fluctuations in their moisture levels.
He even told me that the plants didn’t like it when he poked them too many times or too harshly.
Luiz showed me other printouts of their signatures as they fluctuated with different events of the day: their signatures during that season’s devastating forest fires; the activity when one very abrasive researcher often walked in the lab; their signatures when they were wrapped in aluminum foil, etc.
Music test
I was asked to play music for the plants… For the duration of my ten or fifteen minutes of playing, the plants’ output mapped synchronistically as though they had one mirrored signature. Luiz had never seen them do that before. This lasted until the point at which I began my musical outro, when they slowly began reestablishing their own original signatures.
Luiz noted that in the ten-minute session pictured in the graphs there were statistical deviations even in the REG, which meant that likely all the energy in that space suffered modifications from the normal pattern. “The most interesting thing is that the plants reacted after you played to them (there was no precognition), but the Random Event Generator ‘felt’ the intentions and started to react before you played to the plants (200 sec).” (Wimberger, 154-158)
After observing the REG results of the plant reactions to music, Wimberger decided to try some Neurosculpting meditations.
Meditation test
…at one point during the course of my reading, the crystal-clear image of the Iresine plant jumped into my mind’s eye and interrupted my reading. It literally brought the other images to a halt. I perceived it told me it had urgent information to give Luiz, and it proceeded to tell me a message I was to communicate to him.
I was giggling by this time, communicating to Luiz that as ridiculous as it sounded, the plant interrupted my reading and needed him to know something. After I communicated this message, I continued with the images that came and finished the reading. The Dracaena remained quiet and outside of my awareness throughout the reading.
Luiz had his eyes open during the reading, diligently taking notes, monitoring the plants’ wave output, the REG, and the audio equipment recording the session. He had a funny look on his face when I opened my eyes at the end of the experience, the kind of look when a child believes he saw Santa Claus. He was very excited to show me that at precisely the time I reported being interrupted by the Iresine, that very plant’s sine wave output spiked considerably during the experience and maintained an elevated spike during the time in which I reported it was communicating with me. The Dracaena had no spike in output.
What was happening for the plant that caused such a distinct and timely spike? Was the plant communicating with me as my narrative suggested? Was all of this just a series of random serendipity? Of course, to an empirical scientist, this data might not mean what I interpreted it to mean. Nevertheless, I had multiple direct experiences in which the plant life in the room seemed to shift and respond in direct relationship to my own limbic-state modulations, as did the REG’s output. Whatever the numbers and outputs mean, one thing was clear: all devices and beings in the room fluctuated in synchrony throughout our time together. To me, this was an experience in a form of consciousness. (Wimberger, 159-160)
I didn’t think plant consciousness was something that scientists could measure. Some have also studied and refuted this belief, but I just don’t think we have the appropriate tech yet. The wonderful thing about the Universe is that we can’t go back in time to see how it was created, and we can’t (yet) communicate with anyone who might know the answers to these questions…except for those who can communicate with the plant world, IMO!
Don’t even get me started on climate change
I wasn’t going to talk about climate change here, but I got to thinking. If all plant and animal life IS conscious, Mama Earth is one BIG source of conscious energy. We already know through the photosynthesis lesson from elementary school science that plants have a special relationship with the Earth’s atmosphere, so it makes sense that the more we destroy nature, the more we’re also fucking up our own atmosphere (eg. The ozone layer which is still repairing itself) and the more natural disasters we’re going to get.
I cannot believe I knew more about the environment when I was about 8 years old than this idiot. No wonder Greta’s so pissed.
Yes, pipelines might make you wealthy, but money can’t buy clean air or water unless you invest in renewable resources, you a$$hole. He really needs to go to Flint and get briefed on California’s water situation.
In my Guide to Conscious Living (free for all e-mail subscribers) I mention Paul Gilding’s book The Great Disruption. Why I’m so gung ho on becoming a hypnotherapist and why I think it’s going to be so important to have high emotional intelligence in the next decade is because we’re going to face a lot more natural disasters and see a massive amount of people die, and we’re going to need to cope with that, not just physically and mentally, but emotionally.
On the entire West coast of North America, a huge earthquake’s coming, and I still haven’t updated my earthquake kit. I’ve tried to memorize all of my family members’ cell phone numbers though, because if and when the Internet goes down, that’s the only way we’ll be able to communicate.
In a nutshell, we need to save our environment. Or else it’s going to be pissed like my Filipina mom when she’s food or sleep-deprived.
Also, consider the food we eat. The further away our food is from its natural form, the worse it is for us. I have a personal belief that processed foods and meat (which is no longer of high quality in most parts of the world due to the treatment of animals) are the primary cause of modern, incurable diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, because the food is all empty of the nutrients that raw, whole fruits and vegetables contain. Even the organic produce we get from farms isn’t completely free of pesticides or other chemicals & toxins we shouldn’t be eating.
Conscious objects
So back to the final and most controversial subject of this post – conscious objects.
Again, I never believed that inanimate objects could be conscious until I read Wright’s book. In it she describes the same process of communicating with objects the same way she was able to do with the plants that were telling her how to grow them.
I remember, however, the 1992 study on snowflakes done by Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto that was featured in the documentary film What the Bleep Do We Know? as well as other articles and books. Here’s a video recapping the results of that experiment.
Although water is a natural element, I still consider it in the realm of objects. If water can respond energetically, so can other inanimate objects, in my opinion.
I recently watched the movie Ghostbusters 2 (not as much of a classic as the first movie, but still fun). In the movie, the pink goo is at first seen as something evil, but they prove that it’s just a medium for whatever energy flows through it.
Clip of them insulting the goo:
Then they do a music test with the goo in an unplugged toaster.
We may not have pink goo in our world, but I think that we have the power – energy – to communicate with all beings and potentially even objects. After all, everything we’ve made on earth was MADE OF SOMETHING NATURAL, something the Universe created. In my book, energy is in EVERYTHING. It’s just more obvious in beings that walk, talk, and feel, and it requires superpower (highly intuitive) abilities to communicate with or influence things that do not walk, talk, or feel like we do.
Special objects: Gemstones & crystals
Finally, my very recent study of gemstones, primarily via the book Stones of the New Consciousness by Robert Simmons, is another piece of “evidence” that we can communicate with objects.
This book isn’t the first that talks about communicating with gemstones. Many intuitives before Simmons suggested that we should meditate with them to gain their guidance or physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual benefits. I have tried meditating with some of my stones and I can tell you it’s not a very direct thing.
After a few nights/early mornings waking up from weird & scary dreams, I put a new rose quartz stone on my bedside table at nighttime, and had a very peaceful sleep the following evening. It wasn’t scientific proof, but it was good enough for me.
What I learned from Simmons’ book – his second after publishing The Book of Stones – is the following:
- Gemstones have been around far longer than humans. They are the building blocks of Earth and of life, so I like to consider them as “objects of the Earth’s soul” that contain wisdom that we don’t. What’s also cool is that we’re continually discovering new gemstones. Simmons has documented characteristics of a few hundred in his books, but there are so many more, and they’re all so beautiful in their own ways.
- Some stones are more powerful than others. These are the ones Simmons documents in Stones of the New Consciousness I mentioned earlier. One such stone is called Moldavite, which I looked for when I attended the Vancouver Gem & Mineral Show last summer for the first time. Not only was the stone more expensive (value determined by weight) and sold by only two vendors, but they were kept in boxes, mostly out of sight. One vendor I asked said that she “can’t be around Moldavite” because it makes her “go crazy.”
Simmons also advises that you don’t wear a stone like Moldavite right away, and instead meditate with it for awhile to adjust to its energies.
I can’t wait to get one someday and meditate with it.
In August this year, I attended my second satsang with Maitreya. She taught us how to “muscle test,” or get yes/no answers from our highest, intuitive selves (others also use a pendulum for this). She advised that we ask all of our household objects whether they want to be in our home, and for how long. I wish I’d recorded that clip for you, but you’ll just have to try it for yourself.
Maybe that’s why I thought I’d be a great personal organizer in another life. I love decluttering and getting rid of things that no longer serve us. And I’m sure Mama Earth would agree that a great cleansing is needed right now. We just have to figure out what to do with all of the waste we’ve created.
What are your thoughts on communicating with animals, plants, and even objects like gemstones? Let me know in the comments below.