by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Business & Marketing, Food, Health, Social good, Vegans
NBSV 177: 4 ways the animal agriculture industry misleads the public about the healthiness of meat, dairy, and eggs I am so glad I met one of my book contributors, Karina Inkster, at this year’s Planted Expo because she invited me to speak on her podcast, The No...
by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Food, Social good, Vegans
What not to do in marketing when you run a business (and not just a vegan one) A question that Desiree Dupuis asked me when I did my Planted Expo Vancouver talk inspired this blog. I had shared marketing tips for vegan businesses, but she asked, “Are there...
by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Books and reviews, Business & Marketing, Events, Food, Lifestyle, Vegan food, Vegans
‘Cause everyone’s a marketer, whether they like it or not. Stevan Mirkovich, Partner & Chief Relational Officer of Planted Expo—which celebrated its 10th year in Vancouver in 2024—sent me this text message at the end of September 2023: I was surprised...
by Sandra Nomoto | Food, Travel, Vegan food
A full vegan Seattle weekend experience Last year, hubs and I went down to Seattle for a whirlwind 36 hours. This year, he was invited to help at an event for over two days, so we planned a more relaxing trip. This was my opportunity to hit some places I missed last...
by Sandra Nomoto | Books and reviews, Food, Lifestyle, Vegan food, Vegans
What food history would look like if we ignored animal products Published by Beacon Press in 2023, Alicia Kennedy’s No Meat Required: The Cultural History and Culinary Future of Plant-Based Eating, is exactly what its subtitle describes. Kennedy was a vegetarian...
by Sandra Nomoto | Beauty, Business & Marketing, Environment, Food, Vegan food
Reviewing the best videos by vegan companies in 2024’s first quarter Extending my curating habits from my monthly newsletter where I round up all the marketing wins I see from vegan companies around the world (including videos), I’m gonna share the best...