This is an archived blog from when I ran Conscious Public Relations Inc. from 2008-2018. Excuse the potential outdated-ness!

Stuff I keep learning about myself

The interesting thing about growing up with a high achieving family is that as a child I set some pretty high standards for myself. Like, earning six figures and living in a condo downtown by 30. And, if I wanted kids, I’d have to be married by then.

Now that I’m well over the 30 hump and I haven’t achieved “all of the above” either by choice or because I just haven’t reached that milestone, my inner critic tends to bug me about it. But I know better and I remember that many of the world’s greatest achievers didn’t start their journeys or get recognized until well over their 40’s.

In fact, two weekends ago I received my most powerful reading yet, where my friend said, “Those of us on a conscious path bloom later in life.” I guess I’m a late bloomer then! Which means that it’s a slow and steady hike, not a sprint to the top of the Grind. So I’m cool with that.

I’ve learned a lot about myself this past week. Last weekend I spent Friday and Sunday nights grinding out the content for our upcoming online course for beta testing. And all of those moments learning to edit video blogs on iMovie came in handy. I was able to edit all three videos (about an hour of content) in one evening and I realized that skills you pick up that you don’t know you will use again – like Photoshop, HTML, content for social media, and video editing, will always come in handy someday. I am becoming more and more of a believer in divine timing.

A few days ago we met with our newest client, Habibi’s Mediterranean Foods, at their facility. I purposefully wanted to visit so that we could see exactly where and how they work, and we did. But what was really awesome was to see how the Executive team worked with each other, how they almost finish each other’s sentences and how committed they are to pleasing their customers and being successful. It was really inspiring to see and I realize that that’s the kind of drive I need in my business. I also realized how great it was to have and work with a team. We have just about come to four weeks of working together, and I am loving having others to collaborate with and discuss. I know that I can work independently, but man, is it way more fun to work with others!

What new skills or parts of yourself have you learned about recently?

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