by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Books and reviews, Environment, Food, Health, Lifestyle, Social good, Vegans
The most updated book on why to go vegan It’s hard NOT to have discovered This is Vegan Propaganda (And Other Lies the Meat Industry Tells You) because Ed “Earthling Ed” Winters is one of the most notable vegan influencers around today. Fun fact: My...
by Sandra Nomoto | Books and reviews, Business & Marketing, Environment, Food, Health, Lifestyle, Vegan food, Vegans
While not a vegan book, it’s the world’s foremost collection of stories of female food leaders with impact Catching up to books published as recent as 2022, I’ve long had Jennifer Stojkovic’s The Future of Food is Female: Reinventing the Food...
by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Environment, Food, Health, Social good, Vegan food, Vegans
Lessons learned from appearing on non-vegan podcasts as a vegan I would have titled this blog post “Want to convince more people to go vegan? Focus on women, not podcasts,” but that would have been too long. But really, this results from a pattern I...
by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Books and reviews, Environment, Social good
A poetic non-fiction book vegans will enjoy Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons From Marine Mammals by queer Black feminist “love evangelist” Alexis Pauline Gumbs was written during the pandemic and published in 2020 by AK Press. It’s based on social...
by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Environment, Events, Food, Health, Lifestyle, Vegan food
A critical time to address global health and other challenges The state of global health is a cause for concern. As our lifestyles have evolved and diets have changed, the rates of obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases have skyrocketed....
by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Books and reviews, Environment, Food, Vegan food, Vegans
A book that covertly markets the vegan lifestyle It’s completely coincidental that Farm Sanctuary is in my book. Living the Farm Sanctuary Life: The Ultimate Guide to Eating Mindfully, Living Longer and Feeling Better Every Day was already on my reading list....