by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Fashion, Vegan marketers, Vegans
A vegan marketer dedicated to a different world I connected with Los Angeles-based Brennan Gerald in 2023 online; we’re both in the Vegan Professionals LinkedIn group. He had shared with me about working with artist Malcolm-Emilio, who had collaborated with NBA...
by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Food, Social good, Vegans
What not to do in marketing when you run a business (and not just a vegan one) A question that Desiree Dupuis asked me when I did my Planted Expo Vancouver talk inspired this blog. I had shared marketing tips for vegan businesses, but she asked, “Are there...
by Sandra Nomoto | Books, Business & Marketing, Vegans
The fourth book in the world to highlight vegan businesses! Aside from Vegan Ventures, The Future of Food is Female, and my book (all authored by women), we now have a fourth book that tackles the vegan industry: Vegan Business Revolution by Vegan Business...
by Sandra Nomoto | Books, Business & Marketing
If you’re a contributor to a book, here’s a guide on how to leverage the opportunity for your business. A thing I like to do when business is slower is to mentor other entrepreneurs. Back in May, I had a session with someone who contributed a chapter in a...
by Sandra Nomoto | Beauty, Business & Marketing, Vegan food, Vegan marketers, Vegans
How passion, authenticity, purpose, and ethics drive this vegan publicist to educate and inspire the public Mad Promotions’ Karin Ridgers and I haven’t met, but we’re both members of Vegan Business Tribe and were in Los Angeles at the Vegan Women...
by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Books, Business & Marketing, Events, Food, Lifestyle, Vegan food, Vegans
‘Cause everyone’s a marketer, whether they like it or not. Stevan Mirkovich, Partner & Chief Relational Officer of Planted Expo—which celebrated its 10th year in Vancouver in 2024—sent me this text message at the end of September 2023: I was surprised...
by Sandra Nomoto | Food, Travel, Vegan food
A full vegan Seattle weekend experience Last year, hubs and I went down to Seattle for a whirlwind 36 hours. This year, he was invited to help at an event for over two days, so we planned a more relaxing trip. This was my opportunity to hit some places I missed last...
by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Vegan food
Review of the best videos by vegan companies in 2024’s second quarter Did you check out my roundup of the best videos by vegan businesses in Q1 2024? Regardless, let’s launch right into the best videos from April to June this year. “Bit...
by Sandra Nomoto | Books, Food, Lifestyle, Vegan food, Vegans
What food history would look like if we ignored animal products Published by Beacon Press in 2023, Alicia Kennedy’s No Meat Required: The Cultural History and Culinary Future of Plant-Based Eating, is exactly what its subtitle describes. Kennedy was a vegetarian...
by Sandra Nomoto | Books, Business & Marketing
A breakdown of the year leading up to your book launch date After catching up with an old colleague a few months ago, I learned recently she was writing a book with her business partner. She asked me how much time she needed for every phase of the journey if they were...