From email expert to purpose-driven marketer

I first met Verity Payne when I found out she hosted the ONLY vegan marketing podcast out there, The Vegan Marketing PodcastShe had me on as a guest to promote my book, so I was thrilled to feature her work. Let’s dive in and learn all about Verity!


When and how did you go vegan?

In 2016, after being veggie for many years, I cut eggs and milk out of our diets as my daughter was allergic to them. Once I learned about the cruelty involved in their production, it was something I wanted to continue.


How did you get into marketing, and what kind of marketing you do now?

I studied marketing at the Masters level after completing a degree in French and English, and found it difficult to find work. I was interested in email marketing and started working at an email marketing agency. I then moved client side and worked in communications at Nikon UK. Since then, I have always worked in marketing agencies and now want to use my skills to help purpose driven businesses to grow.


What kind of work fires you up right now?

I love to help my clients with anything that helps them to grow, from social media, content marketing, creating websites and PR.


Share your best marketing win, and one marketing horror story.

My proudest moment has been getting coverage on the BBC News for a vegan photographer.

One of my horror stories was when I was working at the email marketing agency and we were awaiting the links for a campaign. So I put as a placeholder, so of course, when the client clicked on the links, they reached a very questionable website! Lesson learned!


Who or what vegan company do you think is crushing in marketing right now?

VFC is hilarious. THIS is also great. I also like some of Meatless Farm‘s marketing (m*** f***) where they left strategic spaces—very funny!

(Sandra’s note: I featured all 3 of these companies in my book!)


You can contact Verity and Sphere Social Media Marketing at hello @

Download Chapter 1 of Vegan Marketing Success Stories to learn the 6 basics ALL vegan businesses need to implement before they start marketing!

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