by Sandra Nomoto | Animals, Environment, Food, Self-Development, Social good, Vegans
A modern, non-American sequel to Animal Liberation Now I’m extremely fortunate to have read vegan Matheiu Ricard’s A Plea for the Animals immediately after reading Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation Now (ALN) because I could see the influence that book...
by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Self-Development, Social good, Vegans
How to be a more persuasive vegan If you’ve been here long enough, you know I’m vegan and slightly obsessed with how vegan companies market themselves. We’re blessed that the AVA (Animal & Vegan Advocacy) Summit has a YouTube channel and uploads...
by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Vegans
What kind of impact can vegan Facebook groups have? If you’ve read my blog post on where to network with other vegan business owners, you might have noticed the link to Matt Falcone’s list of 200+ vegan Facebook groups. Like me, many of you probably wish...
by Sandra Nomoto | Books and reviews, Family, Food, Health, Lifestyle, Vegan food, Vegans
A great starting cookbook with memoir elements by a vegan mother-daughter duo When I borrowed this book from the library and saw that three quarters of it contained recipes, I didn’t plan to review it, but I found some parts of it worth sharing with you....
by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Lifestyle, Vegan food
How your business can make the most of the Veganuary campaign I’ve never participated in Veganuary personally or as a business, so this episode of the Vegan Business Tribe podcast (#048) was a godsend, and educational! Without further ado, here’s the info...