by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Vegan marketers, Vegans
A forever vegan jazzing up marketing for non-profits & the music world I met Marcio Pacheco at Planted Expo Vancouver after my talk and found out he lives about a two-hour drive south of me in Seattle, Washington. Let’s learn all about this tri-lingual...
by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Events, Vegans
How one of North America’s biggest vegan events rebranded and stays relevant after a decade In 2024, the Planted Expo (formerly Veg Expo) launched in its third city, Seattle, after nine years operating in Vancouver, BC and its first year in Toronto in 2023. I...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Business & Marketing
More considerations for your book marketing budget Publish & Prosper, Lulu’s podcast, hit it out of the park again with an episode on paid book promotion. Before we get into it, let’s recap how much I spent on marketing my second book (in Canadian...