by Sandra Nomoto | Beauty, Buy local, Fashion, Lifestyle, Vancouver
My one-year local shopping challenge is now over, but the challenge has just begun. Over this past year, I’ve seen and met some incredible locally-owned boutiques and their owners, many of which I hadn’t been able to shop at purely for budgetary reasons. My shopping...
by Sandra Nomoto | Beauty, Buy local, Fashion
It’s been a while since I’ve reported on my local shopping challenge, but it’s still going strong, with just 2 1/2 months to go until it’s over! I scored a great deal on Living Social – $19 for $40 at North Vancouver’s Lotusvive, which gave me a great discount on some...
by Sandra Nomoto | Buy local, Fashion
So, after six months of shopping local only (to clarify, not necessarily locally-designed, just bought) I’ve done really well, and am so impressed at how much variety there is in the local Vancouver shopping scene as well as the price points that I’ve been able to...
by Sandra Nomoto | Buy local, Fashion
I don’t know what it is, but lately I’ve come across signs that are telling me I need to shop locally. First, I met the designer of Die Constant, who sells his shirts in a few boutiques I haven’t been to. Then there was the Reach Magazine Mixer a few weeks ago. I...