by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing
A glimpse into the life of a writer/editor I recently saw a post by an influential copywriter/teacher who said never to charge by the hour, and I totally understand why. When you bundle your services into packages or provide a one-time fee for the project, you make...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Social good
With great power (over words) comes great responsibility. Full disclosure: This post is inspired by an article by Kavita Das published in Poets&Writers. Last year when I took a course on copyediting with the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), there was one chapter...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing
Because you need backup for when you f*ckup. I said it two years ago, and I’ll say it forever: Editing is my favourite thing to do in the world. (As a profession…so if I was wealthy enough that I didn’t have to work, I’d still be doing this.)...