by Sandra Nomoto | Food, Health, Vegan food
So WTF is Hypochlorhydria (HCH)? I’ll talk about how I learned I have HCH in a bit, but first: not many people must have it, ’cause it doesn’t even have its own Wiki entry! The dictionary defines it as a “deficiency of hydrochloric acid in the...
by Sandra Nomoto | Food, Health, Lifestyle, Self-Development, Spirituality, Vegan food
Yup, bras and brussels sprouts. **Trigger warning**: This blog is a recount about food and digestive problems. The short version of the story: I found out earlier this year that my bra size is no longer a 32C so I should have replaced my two Victoria Secrets...
by Sandra Nomoto | Food, Health, Lifestyle, Self-Development, Vegan food
I’m celebrating a journey, not perfectionism. Writing can be a good antidote to bloating. I’ve done this before, but it’s 5:30 p.m. Thursday and I’ve realized it’s officially the one-year mark on my journey to eating 100% vegan. I say...