by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing
How the heck do books get made? Last month, I attended a networking event. When I tell people I help authors publish books, they say they have no idea where to start with that. One woman said she could see my passion when I was explaining the two paths of publishing....
by Sandra Nomoto | Business & Marketing, Self-Development, Social good, Vegans
How to be a more persuasive vegan If you’ve been here long enough, you know I’m vegan and slightly obsessed with how vegan companies market themselves. We’re blessed that the AVA (Animal & Vegan Advocacy) Summit has a YouTube channel and uploads...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Business & Marketing
What authors should know if they want to sign with a traditional book publisher This post is a long time coming, but I’d only heard here and there about the nuances of traditional book publishing—not enough to form a blog post—until I signed up to Scribe...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Business & Marketing
If you’re a contributor to a book, here’s a guide on how to leverage the opportunity for your business. A thing I like to do when business is slower is to mentor other entrepreneurs. Back in May, I had a session with someone who contributed a chapter in a...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Business & Marketing
A breakdown of the year leading up to your book launch date After catching up with an old colleague a few months ago, I learned recently she was writing a book with her business partner. She asked me how much time she needed for every phase of the journey if they were...