by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing
How the heck do books get made? Last month, I attended a networking event. When I tell people I help authors publish books, they say they have no idea where to start with that. One woman said she could see my passion when I was explaining the two paths of publishing....
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing
All the things you might want to know about book formatting before you self-publish your book In this blog I want to talk about some of the (boring to you, fascinating to me) things a vegan book formatter (also called a typesetter) goes through. If you have no clue...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing
You’re in the majority if you don’t know WTF a book formatter does. When I started taking courses in book editing last year, I didn’t know what formatting was (it’s also called typesetting), and stumbled into it by total accident! When my uncle...