The 2021 Wellness Show has gone online and starts today!
The Wellness Show is one of those events I look forward to each year to discover not just wellness trends, but sample some of the newest vegan foods available in Vancouver. The 29th annual Wellness Show was scheduled for February 2021 at the Vancouver Convention Centre, but with safety being top priority for attendees, they postponed the live show to February 12 and 13, 2022.
In place of the 2021 show, they have created an online show, and will include all the elements of The Wellness Show that attendees have grown to know and love over the past (nearly) three decades.
The Wellness Show At-Home 2021 presented by Nesters Market runs from January 31 to February 14! Just like the real-life trade show, the new online event will feature hand-picked exhibitors highlighting the latest in healthy living, with a special focus on being healthy at home. You’ll discover new approaches to nutrition, fitness, and physical and emotional well-being as you tour the online “stages” and check out local exhibitors offering services and products for your wellbeing. Educate and empower your healthiest self, all from the comfort of your home, while still in your pjs!
The virtual show includes:
- Online seminars from leading experts in health and wellness
- Online fitness, movement and stretch classes
- Online wellness demos and educational talks
- Coupons and discount products from some of your favourite Wellness Show exhibitors
- Automatic entry into grand prizes, which includes a stay at the Kingfisher Resort and Spa, massages from Sabai Thai Spa (yesss), facials by Skoah, and a stand-up paddleboarding party from Vancouver Water Adventures. I honestly want to win that!!
All for FREE and all from the comfort of your own home!
Participating vegan exhibitors include:
- Beyond Better (vegan cheese sauces)
- Danone (Silk) vegan yogurt
- Iron Vegan
- Loop Juice
- Kits Kitchen
- Nutiva
- Remedy Kombucha (which is sugar free!?!)
- The Cultured Coconut
- TMRW Foods
- Vega
As I write this, I’m listening to a food podcast and they have reminded listeners that one possible side effect of contracting COVID-19 is losing your sense of smell and taste. So in the spirit of being and keeping well, please—keep yourself and your loved ones safe. I want to go out to events like The Wellness Show and sample all of these great sounding vegan foods again!!
Contest time!
To celebrate the 2021 Wellness Show, I’m giving away:
- A copy of
- A box of 6 (vegan) Red Velvet-flavoured KETO bars (includes Key-To-Life Ketonic Bar + Hemp Seed Heart Super Food Protein Bar) by Natera Life, both
To enter, do one of the following by the contest deadline, 11:59 p.m. PT Saturday, February 6, 2021:
- Comment on this blog post
- On Instagram, like @sandranomoto and comment on my contest post.
Doing both will get you more entries!
The winner will be informed either by e-mail or social media, and you will be shipped the prize. You must be aged 18+ and a resident of British Columbia to enter.
Good luck!
The Wellness Show At-Home 2021 runs from January 31 to February 14, 2021. For more information and to sign up, click here.