This is an archived blog from when I ran Conscious Public Relations Inc. from 2008-2018. Excuse the potential outdated-ness!

Awareness, choice, and surprise

I wrote and then I re-wrote this blog because the most awesome thing happened last night and it gave me an a-ha. One of my best friends messaged me and our other childhood besties over the weekend to ask if we wanted to go for bubble tea last night. I said yes, but then was regretting my choice later in the day. I invited them to come to my house instead, but she convinced me to come so I decided to go.

My morning intention was “I am always fully capable of choosing.” and even as I was walking to the restaurant, I didn’t feel in the mood to be social, but I had a feeling that it was something I needed to do for myself. About an hour in with friends sitting around the table, a surprise happened — one of our friends who lives across the ocean showed up, with her children in tow! It was a surprise to all of us but one who knew the secret. Her presence and seeing our friends’ children playing with each other the same way we had all played together as kids lifted my spirits. I realized that if you choose happiness – even if your mood or body does not – you can be ready for any and all surprises that may come your way. And it is WAY better to choose happiness when awesome surprises happen.

At Tuesday night’s LOCO mixer, a woman I met saw our company name on my name tag and said, “Are you awake?

That’s the big question. It’s not a question of being awake, it’s about being aware. In fact on Tuesday night, we were announced as a participating company of a great campaign happening in the city, but I hadn’t been receiving the e-mails from the organizer properly, so had no idea we had actually been selected to participate until recently.

One thing I know for sure is that we could use a lot more awareness of choice. For both bad surprises, and the good.

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