This is an archived blog from when I ran Conscious Public Relations Inc. from 2008-2018. Excuse the potential outdated-ness!
Bruce Lipton’s article, “The Chemistry of love”
The cover story in this month’s Common Ground Magazine was a fascinating read. And timely, since I have been working on a lot of questions about my long-term relationship with Leo. Seven years in, though we are still committed to each other, our feelings are not the same as when we were first going out. What’s going on? Lipton shed the light a little bit about what’s going on chemically and physically, which might help to explain the emotional side of things.
Lipton’s background is as a stem cell biologist and scientist, bridging science and spirituality. He says that “only about 1% of human diseases actually have a genetic cause; 99% of human illness is environmental, lifestyle and consciousness controlled.” So does that mean that when we pick our partners, it’s not going to be similar to the way in which my parents picked each other?
He says, “less than 10% of cancer actually has a hereditary linkage to it. Most of cancer is lifestyle; cardiovascular disease, 90% or more, lifestyle; diabetes type 2, 100% lifestyle.” I can agree with that since much of what causes these diseases comes from what we put on our in our bodies. He goes onto say that we should all be eating organic food “because industrial food is poisonous. It’s taken away the nutrition and is really empty food.” I knew this. But when do we get to the love part?
He explains that relationships are all based on chemicals. When we’re in love, chemicals get released into our blood and cells grow and feed the chemistry, in the very opposite way that fear chemicals, stress hormones, etc. kill cells when we’re afraid. Not many people can mate with each other, have a baby, and part ways. We look for our ideal mates through interpretation, so that our minds release “chemistry that lines up with that interpretation which then goes to the blood, through the nervous system, to the cells and controls behaviour and activity.”
Maybe not enough of a statement to make you change the relationship you’re in, but maybe you learned something new today about your own inner workings when it comes to people you love romantically.
“This is nature’s intention. The honeymoon is not an accident, but a design to ensure the survival of the species.“