This is an archived blog from when I ran Conscious Public Relations Inc. from 2008-2018. Excuse the potential outdated-ness!

I want to give tribute to a book I’ve just finished reading, given to me by a dear colleague, Michela Quilici.

I wasn’t familiar with the Adventures in Manifesting series (like Chicken Soup for the Soul) but was pleased with this particular series on Conscious Business. It is books like these that are going to awaken others’ consciousness about how to run or to buy from businesses that are changing the world. It reignited the spirit of Conscious PR and the reasons why I choose to run this type of business.

Many of the contributors are from the publishers’ home country of Australia, but others are from the U.S.A. and there are a few from Canada, including Vancouver’s own Michela Quilici.

Here are some nuggets I’ve highlighted that have resonated with me and called me to ponder on their meaning.

“I confronted myself regularly to do what I was afraid of. I already had a passionate rapport with the unknown, so this allowed me to venture into the uncharted areas of myself and life, and it taught me how to move through the unknown with grace rather than fight it with everything I could find.” – Laura Naomi

“Together we are powerful influencers and catalysts of change – a powerhouse of energy that is transforming our planet. When we serve from our alignment with greatness, we co-create a magnificent world and we evolve universal consciousness.” – Sandra Huard

“Instead of seeing the value in others, and the beauty and love in everyone, I was focusing on the negatives. I acted as if everyone else was separate from me, instead of coming from a loving place of seeing the best in everyone and how we are all one in this life together.” – Susan Scotts

“…what you think you want now will be very different to what you realize you wanted later. What you value out of what you actually received will most likely be far different than what you initially focused on manifesting. Manifesting, as I have utilized, focuses on attaching positive energy to a desired outcome-but it is important not to attach ‘need’ or other fear-based emotions to the outcome. The more desperation you feel in ‘needing’ the outcome, the less likely you are to bring it to fruition.” – Jill Taylor

For more info on the Adventures in Manifesting series, visit their Facebook Page here.

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