This is an archived blog from when I ran Conscious Public Relations Inc. from 2008-2018. Excuse the potential outdated-ness!

It’s hard to blog about uplifting things when tragedy is all over the media. On Saturday, the world discovered Glee star, Canadian Cory Monteith, dead in a Vancouver hotel room. The exact cause of death will be confirmed soon, but Monteith was known to have a drug addiction, so it’s likely that it was something to do with that.

Also, in the trial of George Zimmerman, neighbourhood watch volunteer who shot and killed teen Trayvon Martin, was found not guilty of first degree murder.

These two incidents made me think about the cause of such things. First, drug addiction. I think it starts with youth education. We cannot eliminate drugs but we can educate people when they are young about the danger and also offer alternatives for healing whatever ailments or situations one might want to eliminate using drugs. It’s a hard one.

As for the shooting, gun control has to have stronger enforcement in the USA. I am a strong believer in this. Unless you have a hunting license, I don’t believe it’s right to have guns in a household or with you as you walk the streets. There is too much room for error or action without fully thinking about the consequences.

The world as we know it today isn’t fair, isn’t completely just, but it is. I believe by healing ourselves and continuing to fight for what we believe is right is the only thing we can do to change.

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